I am officially unemployed indefinitely! I couldn't be happier about this! I will be staying home when baby girl makes her appearance in September. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be able to stay home and raise my child. I am blessed beyond words to have a husband who encourages me to stay home no matter what the cost. Luckily, we have been planning for this time of our lives since we were married 4 and a half years ago, so living off of one salary will not be a big shocker.
We have started getting her room ready!!! I will post some pictures of how her room is coming so far. We have a lot left to do, but have her furniture, curtains and crib skirt all done!
Cara Turner Clark
We have decided to officially tell everyone the name we have decided on.
Other than the fact that we like the way Cara sounds, the meaning is what really made us ultimately choose it as her name. Cara is Italian, and means "beloved or one who is dearly loved". She is very much dearly loved by us, but when I see the word beloved it makes me think of Christ. Jesus often refers to us as His beloved throughout scripture, and I desperately want Cara to be His beloved!
Her middle name, Turner, is a family name on my side. My great grandfather is 94, and has been such a blessing in my life. His last name is Turner, and I have always wanted to use the name Turner to honor him. I can't wait to get a picture of the two of them together when she is born! Imagine having a picture of 5 generations, he is Cara's great-great grandfather!!!! I had the chance to visit with him yesterday, so this is the latest picture that I have with the three of us together.
Cara is offically 26 weeks old, and is continuing to grow!!! We only have 3 more months until we get to meet our precious little girl!!! I can't wait to see Philip hold her. He is such a sweet sweet husband, and is going to be an amazing father. I am so blessed to be able to call him MY husband!
I will try to be better about posting updates in the future!!!
So sweet! I'm so happy for y'all! I love how you chose her name and that you shared the story with us :) That will definitely be awesome for her great-great grandfather to have the chance to meet her!
Lexie Mancuso