Friday, August 27, 2010

The countdown begins!

I can't believe that in a just a week and a half Cara will be considered full term! Time sure has flown, and we have spent the last month or so really trying to get ready for her arrival. We have had a few baby showers since I last posted, and we were really blessed to get most of the things we needed for her! I finally washed all of her blankets, clothes, and cloth diapers so that we won't be stressed out even more doing those things when she gets here.

We finished our birthing classes and took the hospital tour so we know where we are going. :) We finally got the glider rocker and have set that up in her room. I absolutely love it, and I will just go sit and rock during the day. I can't believe how relaxing it is!!! Soon I will not just be rocking a belly, but a baby!

Pray that Cara and I will be safe through labor and delivery, and that Philip and I will adjust well when our precious little girl comes home! We are just so so so excited to meet her, and we can't believe she is going to be here in weeks.

Also, I want to brag on my husband! He built these cabinets!!!! They are 16 feet long and 4 feet tall. He did such an awesome job building us some garage storage! He is currently staining the cabinets to prevent weathering and warping, and then he will be putting on the cabinet doors. He is so talented, and I love to just watch him work!!! Have I mentioned that I just absolutely love my husband?! I don't think I could say it enough. :) Anyways, here are two pictures of the cabinets so far.