Tuesday, March 23, 2010

13 Weeks

Today Speck turns 13 weeks old! We are going in tomorrow afternoon for a detailed screening about how Speck is doing. It is a little scary because they check for the possibilities of Downs and other chromosomal problems but, I am really excited to see Speck again. I didn't think that we would be seeing it until our 20 week scan when we find out if Speck is a boy or a girl. So, you can be praying that everything goes well tomorrow and that little Speck is super healthy! I absolutely love watching the video of Speck over and over again! It is just so cute playing around with its hands and feet. It was so active in our last ultrasound, hopefully we will have another ultrasound video to post tomorrow!!! I think it is so fun to not just have a picture, but a video. You get to see Speck's cute personality! We already love it so much!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Everyone Meet Speck!!!

Speck is due at the end of September!!!!! We are super excited and couldn't wait to share our news.